- Firefox - http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
- Cookie Culler - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/fire...
- Roboform - http://www.roboform.com/download.html
- CCleaner - http://www.ccleaner.com/
- Greasemonkey - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/fire...
Install Greasemonkey and then paste the script from below into it. Click on the offers list and use roboform and get points. Prize Rebel buys prizes for you.
http://www.prizerebel.com/index.php?r=1114432 Sign up at prizerebel.com or using my link
Point Generator Script
// ==UserScript== // @name Just say NO! // @namespace http://schoolsux.tz/ // @description Checks no on surv3ys, just enable whenever you need it; you should edit the @include. // @include http://www.eltpath.com/* // @include http://*.smileymedia.com/* // @include http://lgn*.coolsavings.com/* // @include http://lnktrckr.com/* // @include http://*quizjungle.com/?act_id=* // @include http://www.quizjumper.com/* // @include http://www.modpath.com/* // @include http://www.tnmtechnology.com/* // @include http://www.brandarama.com/* // @include http://www.topconsumergifts.com/* // @include http://offers.slwpath.com/* // @include http://us.quizrocket.com/* // @include http://www*.recipe4living.com/default* // @include http://www.premiumproductsonline.com/* // @include https://mysmokingrewards.com/* // @include http://www.eversave.com/* // @include http://www.thelaptopsaver.com/* // ==/UserScript== inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); var checkedyes = 0; var radios=0; var firstradio=0; var foundradio=false; var i=0; for(i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) { if(inputs[i].type=="radio") { if(!foundradio) { firstradio = i; foundradio = true; } radios++; if(inputs[i].value.toLowerCase()=="no") { inputs[i].checked = true; inputs[i].click(); document.body.focus(); } else { inputs[i].checked=true; } } } if (radios>2) { inputs[firstradio+2].checked=true; } next = document.getElementById("nextOffer"); if (next == null) { next = document.getElementById("pass"); } if (next == null) { next = document.getElementById("bt_cancel"); } if(next == null) { for(i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) { if((inputs[i].type=="submit") && (inputs[i].value.toLowerCase()=="skip")) { next = inputs[i]; break; } } } if(next==null) { for(i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) { if((inputs[i].value.toLowerCase()=="submit") || (inputs[i].name.toLowerCase()=="submit")) { next = inputs[i]; break; } } } if(next == null) { next = document.getElementById("submitbutton"); } next.focus(); next.click();